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Dr Anjum Shaikh Conversation with Author Interviews

Dr. Anjum Shaikh

Interview with Dr Anjum Shaikh, author of EmpowHER: Wellness, Hygiene and YOU

Dr Anjum Shaikh is a distinguished public health expert and passionate advocate for women’s wellness. Founder of EveCare, she has revolutionized women’s health with personalized tools and resources. With a background in Healthcare Management and Homeopathic Medicine, Dr. Shaikh has significantly contributed to public health initiatives. Her writing, including the acclaimed “EmpowHER: Wellness, Hygiene & YOU,” aims to destigmatize female health topics, empowering women through education and open dialogue. Recognized with awards like “Inspiring Leader of the Year” and “Inspiring Women Health Entrepreneur,” Dr. Shaikh continues to inspire and uplift women globally with her expertise and dedication.

Read the interview below. It is hosted by Alok Mishra, founder of the Author Interviews platform.



Alok Mishra: You are a practising doctor with specific expertise. Your profession inspired you to write and assist women, or a writer in you was already there?

Dr. Anjum Shaikh: My passion for women’s health and well-being has always been a driving force. My journey began with a deep interest in health, which evolved into creating innovative solutions to empower women. As an author, I have always been inspired to share knowledge and experiences that can make a difference in others’ lives. Writing has become a powerful medium for me to connect with women, educate them, and support them to take charge of their health. This blend of passion and purpose led me to develop the EveCare app and write a book narrating my personal experiences, all aimed at positively impacting women’s lives.


AM: I found the book clutter-free and straight to the point as I read. Usually, books on medical themes are scholarly. How did you get this idea to simplify the message?

Dr. Shaikh: I appreciate your feedback! When I set out to write my book, I aimed to make it accessible and relatable to as many women as possible. I understand that medical themes can often be dense and overwhelming, so I wanted to simplify the message without compromising on the quality and accuracy of the information.

My inspiration came from my own experiences and the countless conversations I’ve had with women who desired straightforward, practical advice. By focusing on clarity and simplicity, I aimed to create a resource that felt like a conversation with a trusted friend rather than a scholarly text. This approach makes the information more digestible and encourages women to engage with and apply the knowledge to their own lives.


AM: As an author, what do you think should be the right approach to pursue women-centric themes?

Dr. Shaikh: As an author, pursuing women-centric themes requires a thoughtful and empathetic approach. It begins with listening to and understanding women’s experiences, challenges, and needs, which allows you to create content that truly resonates with them. Approaching these themes with empathy and authenticity is crucial, as it involves sharing genuine stories and insights that reflect real-life experiences and building trust and connection with your readers. Ensuring that the content is accessible and relatable is also essential; using clear, straightforward language and avoiding jargon helps make the information easily understandable for a broad audience. Recognizing and respecting the diversity among women by addressing the unique experiences and needs of women from different backgrounds, cultures, and life stages adds depth to your writing. Providing practical advice and actionable steps empowers readers with knowledge and tools that can make a tangible difference in their lives. Maintaining a positive and supportive tone encourages and inspires women to take charge of their health, well-being, and personal growth. Finally, continuous engagement with your audience through feedback, questions, and discussions helps refine your approach and ensures you remain relevant to their evolving needs. By adopting these principles, you can create meaningful and impactful content that truly serves and empowers women.


AM: You have touched upon sensitive themes in your book EmpowHER. As an author and reader, do you sense a lack of apathy among writers to open up on such themes? Or is there adequate literature on these topics?

Dr. Shaikh: In writing “EmpowHER,” I have delved into sensitive themes often underrepresented in mainstream literature. As both an author and a reader, I sense a certain reluctance among writers to address these topics openly. While there is a growing body of literature focused on women’s issues, there is still a notable gap when it comes to candidly exploring themes such as reproductive health, mental wellness, and the unique challenges women face in different stages of life.

Many writers may shy away from these subjects due to their perceived complexity or the societal stigma that can surround them. However, precisely, this hesitation underscores the importance of addressing these themes more openly. There is a profound need for literature that acknowledges these issues and provides a platform for discussion, education, and empowerment.

While some excellent literature is available, it often remains within niche circles and doesn’t always reach the broader audience that could benefit from it. This highlights the importance of writing about these themes and ensuring that the content is accessible, relatable, and widely distributed. By doing so, we can contribute to a more inclusive and informed dialogue, ultimately fostering a greater understanding and support for women’s experiences.


AM: Every writer has some critical motivations behind their books. What were your motivations, Dr Shaikh?

Dr. Shaikh: My motivations for writing “EmpowHER” stem from a deep passion for women’s health and well-being, my journey and the stories of countless women I’ve encountered. I wanted to create a resource that educates and empowers women to take charge of their health and lives.

One of my primary motivations was to bridge the gap between complex medical information and women’s everyday needs. I aimed to simplify and demystify health topics often surrounded by misinformation and stigma. By providing clear, practical advice, I hoped to make vital information accessible and actionable.

Another significant motivation was to foster a sense of community and support among women. Through “EmpowHER,” I wanted to share stories of resilience and strength, encouraging women to connect, share, and support each other. My own experiences, particularly those of becoming a mother at 40, inspired me to address the unique challenges and triumphs women face at different life stages.

Ultimately, my goal was to contribute to a more informed and empowered generation of women. I believe that when women are equipped with knowledge and support, they can make better decisions for themselves and their families. This vision drove me to write “EmpowHER”, focusing on authenticity, empathy, and practical wisdom.


AM: When you first finalised the book, did you share it with fellow doctors? What was their response? And after the publication, what was the readers’ general response?

Dr. Shaikh: When I first finalized “EmpowHER,” I shared it with a few fellow doctors and trusted colleagues. Their response was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated the clarity and accessibility of the information, noting that it bridged the gap between medical jargon and practical advice that women could easily understand and apply. They also valued the empathetic tone and how the book addressed often overlooked aspects of women’s health, emphasizing that it filled a critical need in medical literature for a general audience.

After the publication, the response from readers was equally encouraging. Many women expressed gratitude for a resource that spoke to their experiences in a relatable and supportive manner. They found the book empowering and enlightening, often sharing how it had positively impacted their understanding of their health and well-being. The practical tips, personal stories, and straightforward advice resonated deeply with readers, fostering a sense of community and shared experience.

Overall, the feedback underscored the importance of accessible health education and reaffirmed my belief in the power of clear, empathetic communication. The positive reception from both the medical community and readers at large was gratifying and further motivated me to continue advocating for women’s health and empowerment through my work.


AM: You have eloquently mentioned facts and myths about certain products women have to use. What do you think affects those choices – advertisement or something else?

Dr. Shaikh: Various factors influence women’s choices regarding specific products, with advertisements playing a significant but not exclusive role. With their pervasive reach and persuasive tactics, advertisements shape perceptions and drive consumer behaviour. They often emphasize convenience, lifestyle appeal, and sometimes fear-based messaging to promote their products. However, other critical factors also affect these choices.

Cultural norms and societal expectations heavily influence the products women use. Traditions and ingrained beliefs can dictate preferences and practices, sometimes overshadowing scientific evidence or personal comfort. Additionally, peer influence and word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family are crucial in shaping opinions and choices.

Educational background and access to accurate information are also crucial determinants. Women who are well-informed about health and wellness are more likely to make decisions based on evidence rather than marketing hype. Unfortunately, a lack of accessible, reliable resources can perpetuate misinformation and myths.

Personal experiences and individual needs further drive product choices. Skin sensitivity, allergies, and specific health conditions can make women prefer certain products. Economic considerations, including affordability and availability, also significantly impact decisions.


AM: Discussing sexual well-being and hygiene is still not so open. What do you think society needs to do to make these discussions frequent, healthy and common?

Dr. Shaikh: To make discussions about sexual well-being and hygiene more frequent, healthy, and everyday, society needs to foster an environment of openness, education, and support. One effective way to achieve this is through initiatives like the EveCare education module for school girls. This module provides essential knowledge about menstrual hygiene, sexual well-being, and overall health in a supportive and informative manner.

By integrating the EveCare module into school curriculums, we ensure that girls receive accurate and practical information, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health. The module helps normalize these critical conversations, reduce stigma, and promote a culture of acceptance and understanding.

Additionally, healthcare professionals and media can play crucial roles by supporting open dialogue and providing accurate information. Encouraging open communication within families also helps create a foundation of trust and openness.

Ultimately, with comprehensive education initiatives like EveCare, we can make discussions about sexual well-being and hygiene more frequent, healthy, and common, fostering a more informed and empowered generation of young women.


AM: Do you have some other books in waiting?

Dr. Shaikh: No, not yet.


AM: Finally, please tell readers about your book, especially those who haven’t read it yet. What may they expect, and why is EmpowHER a must-read?

Dr. Shaikh: For those who haven’t read “EmpowHER” yet, let me share what you can expect and why this book is a must-read. “EmpowHER” is a comprehensive guide designed to empower women with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health and well-being. The book covers various topics, from reproductive health and mental wellness to practical advice on navigating women’s unique challenges at different life stages.

What sets “EmpowHER” apart is its approachable and relatable style. I’ve made it a point to demystify complex medical information, presenting it in clear, straightforward language that anyone can understand. The book is filled with practical tips, personal stories, and evidence-based advice, making it informative but also engaging and inspiring.

Readers will find chapters dedicated to debunking common myths, providing actionable steps for maintaining health and fostering community and support. “EmpowHER” aims to be a trusted companion, offering empathetic and empowering guidance.

This book is a must-read because it addresses the real, everyday concerns of women in a way that is both comprehensive and compassionate. Whether you want to understand your body better, improve your mental wellness, or feel more confident in your health choices, “EmpowHER” provides the knowledge and support you need to thrive. Join the many women who have already benefited from this resource and take a step towards a more empowered and informed life.



The Author Interviews platform thanks Dr Anjum Shaikh for her valuable time and this meaningful conversation. We also wish her best with EmpoHER and other books in the future!


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