2021 is going to be exciting for the community!
Hello readers! It has been a wonderful journey! Right from the beginning, in 2017, when I established this platform and began with a small step, everything has been very illuminating for me. I have had the opportunity to engage and converse with authors and poets from different countries. It is always exciting, enriching and a realising process. It has almost been four years now and we are here to stay for the rest of my life… I will never leave this amazing practice of discussing various questions, ideas, points, issues and just anything with the literary gifted personalities who can weave magic out of words! Interviews will be coming.
For the year 2021, after a horrendous 2020, I have a few plans and I am writing this post just to share the same or at least an outline of it. Author Interviews strives towards becoming one of the best platforms over the internet where literary enthusiasts can read the interviews with authors and poets of the current generation. However, I do understand that this is not enough. At times, readers would like to know more. They want to read the interviews with authors who are no longer with us. How can we know more about T. S. Eliot? How wonderful it would be if we could read an interview with Sylvia Plath today? For me, as a person who runs a website (many, in fact, :), it is nearly impossible to put all those transcripts here even if they are freely available on the internet. And therefore, I will be doing one thing. I will be interpreting all those classic author and poet interviews available on the internet along with sharing the most vital parts of it so that you can get a glimpse into the depths of those who are no more with us!
The second thing that I will be doing is trying to contact prominent figures in contemporary Indian literature and publish interviews with them so that the readers who enjoy concurrent literature can read the opinions of those famous authors and poets in India. It will always be a wonderful thing to do – to know the authors we read and know them in a wonderful way! So, that’s the second thing.
The third thing I would like to do requires the readers’ participation. I would like to invite you all, the readers of Author Interviews, to let me know if you have someone in mind whom you want to be hosted on our platform. I will be doing that delightfully.
And the fourth and a very visual thing that I am planning to do this year, and thereafter, is that bringing interviews in video form as well. We all have started consuming video content in abundance and why should we leave interviews out of that periphery. So, be ready with these or at least some of these being presented to you in the coming days of 2021. Let’s begin the year with high hopes and a determination to successfully reach what we hope. All the best in whatever you are planning to do this year!
Alok Mishra
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